地域限定(京都)・数量限定(500冊)のGENKAKUROU御朱印帳には全て作者である道釈画家 七類堂天谿氏自身に依る自筆サインと吉祥句(おめでたい言葉)が揮毫されます。揮毫については可能な限り書体・文言を変えて発願の成就を墨筆に祈念しております。自分だけの特別な御朱印帳が人生の旅を更に楽しくさせ、その心にゆとりと神仏の安寧を導いてくれたなら…
This‘ Genkakurou Goshuincho’ stamp book (a collection of temple and shrine calligraphy motifs) is an original brand work from Kyoto’s Genkakurou workshop, a studio which has been creating new product styles founded on Japan’s traditional Buddhist culture. The workshop’s Daoist and Buddhist painter Tenkei Shichiruido, explains the thinking -“It is my wish that people can have a private and special goshuincho stamp book to help them make a more fulfilled journey through life and bring to their soul the inner peace and order of the Shinto gods and the Buddha”. In respect of this wish, the work is specially distributed within the Kyoto area only and as a limited edition of 500 copies. Each goshuincho edition bears the signature of the artist and a word of good fortune in prayer, written in black ink by Tenkei Shichiruido. The opening spread of pages features a phrase from the ‘Nio-hannya-kyo’ (The Sutra of Prajnaparamita / “Perfection of Wisdom”), an eternal truth for bringing comfort and peace both in this life and in the next. It is hoped that this book will always be at its owner’s side and much treasured in daily life.
- 日本には古く「判じもの」という言葉遊びの文化があり、今日に伝承されています。言葉や文字・絵画にもう一つの意味を隠してこれを読み取るというこの洒落の遊びは江戸時代中頃から幕末にかけて大いに流行し町人文化として今日に定着しました。
「七福神」の語源となったこの経文の功徳が多くの方々の現世来世に充足と平安を導くものとなりますように。 -
- 型番
- No.GKR1
- サイズ
- 12×18×1.5cm
- ページ数
- 11山
- 価格
- 1冊 3,300円(税300円)